How To Get Rid Of Owls In Your Yard?


Here are some tips on how to get rid of owls in your yard:

  1. Remove food sources: Owls are attracted to areas with abundant food sources, such as bird feeders.

    Remove bird feeders from your yard to discourage owls from visiting.
  2. Make noise: Loud noises can scare owls away.

    Try using noisemakers, alarms, horns, or whistles to create loud sounds that will make the owls uncomfortable.
  3. Use bright lights: Owls are nocturnal animals and are sensitive to bright lights.

    Shine a bright light on the owl at night to make it uncomfortable and encourage it to leave.
  4. Install a scarecrow: Scarecrows can be effective in deterring owls from your yard.

    Place the scarecrow in the middle of your yard so that it is visible to the birds.
  5. Keep pets indoors: Small pets, such as cats and dogs, can be seen as prey by owls.

    Keep your pets indoors to prevent them from being attacked by owls.
  6. Remove perching areas: Owls often roost in high trees or on building gutters, so removing any possible landing surfaces where owls could perch can be effective.

    Get rid of any trees, poles, or other observatories.

    To prevent perching on structures you can’t remove, you can install spikes like those found on power poles.
  7. Use electric pole shocker devices: Install tall poles around any areas prone to owl attacks.

    Add electric pole shocker devices on top of each pole.

    If a curious and hungry owl flies by and tries to perch on a pole, it’ll get an electric shock — which means it’ll fly away and hopefully not return.
  8. Use devices and decoys: Devices that startle or frighten are always a good option.

    Exploding devices, for example, create a sound like a gunshot that owls won’t enjoy.

    You can also use decoys to scare owls away.

    For example, an owl decoy can be placed in your yard to deter other owls from visiting.

Remember that owls are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so it is illegal to harm or kill them.

Instead, use humane methods to deter them from your yard


Are There Any Humane Methods To Deter Owls From Your Yard Without Causing Harm To Them?

There are several humane methods to deter owls from your yard without causing harm to them.

Here are some tips:

  • Lighting: Since owls are nocturnal predators, lights and bright flashes at night will deter them from your yard.

    Make sure you install any lights outside your coop or structure, since indoor brightness could disrupt your chickens’ sleep patterns.
  • Remove food sources: Owls are attracted to areas with abundant prey, so removing food sources like dead fruit and veggies can help deter them.

    Additionally, removing bird feeders from your yard can help reduce the presence of other birds, which in turn can reduce the presence of owls.
  • Get under cover: Owls are less likely to hunt in areas with overhead cover, such as trees or awnings.
  • Scare tactics: Devices that startle or frighten are always a good option.

    Exploding devices, for example, create a sound like a gunshot that owls won’t enjoy.

    You can also put up an owl or hawk decoy to scare them away.
  • Reduce roosting options: Owls spend all day sitting on perches, so removing roosting options like tall poles or trees can help deter them.

What Are Some Effective Strategies For Preventing Owls From Nesting Or Roosting In Specific Areas Of Your Yard, Such As Trees Or Structures?

Here are some effective strategies for preventing owls from nesting or roosting in specific areas of your yard, such as trees or structures:

  • Remove food sources: Owls are attracted to areas with abundant food sources, so removing bird feeders and bird baths can help keep them away.
  • Make noise: Owls are sensitive to noise, so using noisemakers, alarms, horns, or whistles can help scare them away.
  • Use bright lights: Owls are nocturnal animals, so shining a bright light on them at night can help deter them from roosting in your yard.
  • Install a scarecrow: Owls are afraid of humans, so installing a scarecrow in your yard can help keep them away.
  • Keep pets indoors: Owls may prey on small dogs and cats, so keeping them indoors can help protect them.
  • Create a natural habitat: Creating a natural habitat that is similar to the owls’ natural environment can help attract them to other areas of your yard.

    This includes letting native plants grow, leaving large, bare branches and dead trees intact, and creating a rustic, natural section of backyard habitat with little pruning or maintenance where owls can feel more comfortable.
  • Increase human activity: Sometimes simply increasing human activity in an area, like setting up and using a fire pit and chairs in your yard, can deter an owl from trying to hunt or roost in the area.

Are There Any Legal Considerations Or Regulations That Need To Be Taken Into Account When Attempting To Remove Or Discourage Owls From Your Property?

There are several legal considerations and regulations that need to be taken into account when attempting to remove or discourage owls from your property:

  • Protected Species: Some species of owls, such as burrowing owls, are protected by law and cannot be removed without a permit.
  • Nuisance Animals: In some cases, owls may be considered nuisance animals and can be legally captured or removed by a resident landowner or tenant without a permit, provided that no compensation is given and the animal is released or euthanized within 24 hours of capture.
  • Hunting or Trapping License: If you do not own or rent the land where the owl is located, a hunting or trapping license or nuisance wild animal control permit is required to take wild animals.
  • Written Permission: If you plan to take coyotes on someone else’s property, you must have written permission from the landowner.

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